TOPP DOGG's Hansol shows his dance skills in "Scissorhands"

TOPP DOGG's Hansol shows his dance skills in "Scissorhands"

0 comments 📅12 August 2015, 18:04


The Japanese dance scene is one that is forever faithful to traditional genres and movement, but continues to elaborate and evolve its own language of dance. Recently the idea of fashion and dance are joined together as a collaborative in showing your own personality and rebelling against the constraints of the social norm.

Japanese models/dancers Aya and Bambi Sato are possibly the biggest thing to come from Japan’s dance scene in recent years, with their claim to fame being one of their workshops self-titled the “Bump Dub; the video showcases a style of dance all of its own but akin to that of Madonna’s “Vogue. Their fame from that singular video on YouTube had sparked a worldwide love for AyaBambi and had allowed the duo to be recognised by entertainers such as Madonna, Snakehips and Boa.

Dance is not the only thing that AyaBambi stand for. They are also recognised for their unique and beautifully composed fashion sense which revolves around the punk rock, goth and red carpet looks. Mixing leather and PVC they create a style not truly seen before: the girls managed to capture the hearts of designers such as Chalayan, NumeroTOKYO x Wacoal x Fashion Tsushin, and Lumine and performed some of their most memorable dance pieces for each brand.


But what does AyaBambi have to do with the Korean boy group TOPP DOGG? Well as fans of TOPP DOGG will know that member Hansol is a very unique and talented performer, known for his dynamic tastes in fashion, music and art. He has revealed a few times through his personal Instagram and through the Official Topp Dogg Twitter that he is a fan of AyaBambi and would like to work with them one day. This has also been something a lot of fans of both parties have wanted to see for a long time as well. But it seems as though Hansol wanted to show his dedication as a fan through his own video.

Showing his skills and dedication to the style we have associated with AyaBambi, Hansol went full out and created his own homage to the pair. He managed to re-create a manly yet perfect representation of the fashion sense accustomed with the Japanese duo, with a full PVC leather suit and baggy knee-length shorts. Showing the artistic side to his personality Hansol created a background story and then performed his own choreography with an onslaught of feelings and precision.

With TOPP DOGG coming to Europe on their tour, there is one question that had arisen since the release of this video: will Hansol be performing this on stage? There is only one way to find out! Check out the breathtaking video below.

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