This Trailer For The Comic Raising Dion Is Also A Great Short SF Film

This Trailer For The Comic Raising Dion Is Also A Great Short SF Film

0 comments 📅28 August 2015, 07:04

Raising Dion is a new superhero comic book Dennis Liu and Jason Piperberg that has a twist. And it’s a twist that’s beautifully captured in this trailer that also serves as a really great short film. There’s the feel of The Chronicle about it as it shows the challenges faced by a young mother bringing up a superpowered child.

Liu has previously directed adverts and music video director. He tells Today that he wanted to create a story that made a statement about superhero diversity:

“I did not want to play the race card, but honestly, as a member of the DGA EDSC [Directors Guild of America Eastern Diversity Steering Committee] Diversity council for several years, I felt like something had to be done about superhero diversity. I also felt the industry was simply answering the gender card by glorifying women as a war hero, like in The Hunger Games, or the new Wonder Woman film coming out. I think this [approach] works, but I wanted to point out that it doesn’t have to be the only solution.”

Raising Dion #1 is available to download for free.

[via ComicBookResources]

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