Guardians Of The Gallery: Orphan Black, Naruto, Star Wars & More

Guardians Of The Gallery: Orphan Black, Naruto, Star Wars & More

0 comments 📅28 August 2015, 15:44

Our weekly look at some of the best, oddest and most amusing images and vids that have been doing the rounds this week



•••A superb size comparison image of a Star Wars Executor-class Super Star Destroyer hovering over Manhattan created by Redditor movielover278.

Star destroyer


••• Vietnamese artist Nguyen Quang Huy’s “I Am Naruto” series “enhances” the characters with the use of everyday objects from peach pits to conches. Click on the images to see larger versions.


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••• We include this awards nomination list not because it’s a great image but because it’s amusing to see them trying to fit in all the characters that Tatiana Maslany plays on Orphan Black



••• James Gunn is serious about what he does but not always serious in the way that he does it. That’s why we love him…

A first look at Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. 😞 PS Douchebag is back on SnapChat at MrJamesGunn. A photo posted by James Gunn (@jamesgunn) on


••• A Star Wars/Daft Punk mash-up. Of course. What else is the internet for?

The prequel’s quite fun, too…


••• How the trailer for The Empire Strikes Back would look done in the style of The Force Awakens. Pretty bloody good, actually. We especially like this because while the editing is current, the fonts are still very ’80s.


••• A truly transforming birthday cake…


••• Comics guru Mark Millar Tweeted this with the message: “Terrifying design flaw in Minions bubble bath”.



••• And finally… not something cute and cuddly. This is NOT a painting. This is a real person painted! [via ComicBookResources]

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