Air New Zealand’s New Men In Black Safety Video

Air New Zealand’s New Men In Black Safety Video

0 comments 📅20 August 2015, 13:58


Air New Zealand previously became YouTube legends with an epic air safety video based on Peter Jackson’s The Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit trilogies. That made sense since Jackson’s films made the country an even bigger tourist attraction. Now they’ve created a new one based on Men In Black. And if you’re thinking that’s a but random, the clue is in the nickname of their rugby team – the All Blacks. Steve Hansen, the All Blacks coach, and team mates Keven Mealamu, Kieran Read and Sam Whitelock all cameo, and there’s even a guest appearance from England’s Martin Johnson. Fullback Israel Dagg raps the in-flight briefing alongside Stan Walker, the 2009 winner of Australian Idol.


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