Japanese company develop Pokeball themed carry cases for your pets.

Japanese company develop Pokeball themed carry cases for your pets.

0 comments 📅01 April 2015, 08:00

HamsterBallThats right you did read that last line correctly! Following the success of carry cases that allow you to take your pets any where with you. A Japanese company has come up with a new line based around Pokemon.

The cases are designed to mimic Pokeballs and much in the same way as they do in the anime, they open at the touch of the button on the front. At the moment the company has only released the images for the Hamster and Gerbil versions, the later is even called the, “Gerball,” however they have confirmed that they are versions in the works that will work with other pets such as birds and even fish!


Gerball HamsterMasterBall

Designed by the Japanese company エイプリルフール the cases although initially met with some resistance from animal rights group, they have now been welcomed with open arms following the news that each ball has an air vent in the bottom, is padded and also concealed inside is a water and food mechanism. But perhaps the most elaborate part is that inside the ball there is a small screen that shows an image of a normal cage that makers say will make the animal feel right at home.

Priced at just £20 per unit, they come in the form of either a Pokeball, Ultraball or Master Ball and so far Initial pre-orders have topped 20,000 units!
What do you think of this unique pet item? Let us know in the comments below

*Update* In case you hadn’t guessed it yet, this is an April Fool. Thank you for reading*

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