American Hustle: Review

American Hustle: Review

American Hustle: Review

0 comments 📅31 December 2013, 13:52

The con is on… 

Films with no explosions, no car chases, no CGI monsters and just a heap of dialogue – they don’t still make those, do they? American Hustle is that rare thing: a period movie with as much brains as style. Set in the late ’80s and early ’90s, the partly true life story sees small time con artists Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) and Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) forced to work for wild FBI agent Richie DiMaso (Bradley Cooper).

American Hustle group shot

Amazingly, the plot would barely bother the first half of a beer mat and it’s the characters and their chatter-filled interactions that bring this world to life. And where other actors would have been upstaged by the outrageous outfits, this wet dream of a cast shines. Not easy when sporting hairstyles that range from extreme comb-over (Bale) and tight perm (Cooper) to dodgy car salesman (Jeremy Renner’s New Jersey mayor).

While it’s hard to pick a standout from such an entertaining ensemble, expect Jennifer Lawrence to hoover up awards as Rosenfeld’s unpredictable wife Rosalyn.

American Hustle is out now in the US and opens nationwide in the UK on 1 January 2014 

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