Operation Condor: Armour Of God II Blu-ray review

Operation Condor: Armour Of God II Blu-ray review

Operation Condor: Armour Of God II Blu-ray review

2 comments 📅11 November 2013, 01:47

Jackie Chan is condor man…

Handed a key to a secret military base stuffed with Nazi gold hidden somewhere in the middle of the Sahara Dessert, Jackie Chan decides that’s all the plot he needs and sets about punching and kicking his way through three separate groups of baddies intent on getting their hands of the bullion.

Stopping only to add three women to his entourage who constantly need saving, this live-action harem comedy throws in so much slapstick and innuendo you wonder when the vicar’s going to show up. Twinkly music telegraphs where the laughs are supposed to be, while the humour is extremely broad.

And yet… it’s actually quite good. Never stopping to take a breath proves to be the film’s strongpoint. Director and star Chan prefers to flit around the sets, using his environment to escape from and pound his enemies. Excellent locations are matched by amazing sets, including some that use platforms and wind to create set-pieces more akin to videogame levels.

Operation Condor Armour Of God II blu-ray sleeve 3D

Now 22 years old, you wouldn’t be surprised if this 1991 film was showing a few wrinkles. It’s the first time it’s been released on Blu-ray in the UK and while the print is clean, it’s not a huge improvement over an upscaled DVD. And there’s not much else to recommend an upgrade to those who already own the film. Aside from a choice of English dub or Chinese dialogue, bonus features are thin on the ground.

As usual, there are no outtakes – Chan performs all his own stunts so those mistimed punches and shots of him falling off things play over the end credits. What we do get are a couple of brief clip-shows that are like YouTube compilations of action and comedy moments from a number of Chan’s films. Even a few words from Chan himself about the film would have been preferred.

VERDICT: 7/10 

Operation Condor: Armour Of God II is out today in the UK on DVD and Blu-ray


  1. Jay
    11 November 2013, 23:34 Jay

    Hi, does it have english subtitles and inside cover art ?

    • Matt Chapman
      12 November 2013, 19:15 Matt Chapman Author

      Hi Jay,

      It has English and Cantonese subtitles. I don’t believe it has any inside cover art but our review disc was just that – a disc, with no box. So I can’t say that for certain.

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