The World’s End: 2013 film gets first trailer

The World’s End: 2013 film gets first trailer

The World’s End: 2013 film gets first trailer

0 comments 📅09 May 2013, 11:48

The World’s End international trailer lands online… 

Finally, the first trailer for the much-anticipated third film in Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright‘s hilariously blood-soaked ‘Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy‘ (AKA  the ‘Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy‘).

With Wright directing and his regular collaborators Pegg and Frost, once again, starring, The World’s End sees five friends having a second go at the epic – yet failed – pub crawl they began in their twenties.

The Worlds End Simon Pegg Nick Frost Paddy Considine Martin Freeman Eddy Marsden

Over the course of the night it becomes clear that the real struggle is “not just theirs but humankind’s” and that reaching the final pub on their crawl, the titular World’s End in Camden, is the least of their worries.

The World’s End opens in UK cinemas 19 July 2013 and in US cinemas 23 August 2013.

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