Pacific Rim adds TV spot and ‘The Drift’ featurette

Pacific Rim adds TV spot and ‘The Drift’ featurette

Pacific Rim adds TV spot and ‘The Drift’ featurette

0 comments 📅23 May 2013, 10:19

New Pacific Rim TV promo advises you to “go big or go extinct”…

While we’ve still got a good two months to wait for the film, Warner Bros. has released the first short Pacific Rim television spot.

The Guillermo del Toro monster epic will See Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba and Rinko Kikuchi star as a team of pilots who utilise Jaegers, enormous mech-robots, to battle giant monsters known as ‘Kaiju’ that have begun streaming into the world via a crevasse in the Pacific Ocean.

Pacific Rim poster jaeger robot fallen on beach arm destroyed

It’s a mash-up of Godzilla and Ultraman that we’re glad is in the hands of the delightfully mental del Toro.

The build up for Pacific Rim wasn’t finished there, though.

Warner Bros. has also released a featurette showing off some of the movie’s coolest tech – including the shared mind space called The Drift, which allows two pilots to control the massive Jaeger robots.

Pacific Rim opens in US and UK cinemas on 12 July 2013

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