Man Of Steel: new trailer online now

Man Of Steel: new trailer online now

Man Of Steel: new trailer online now

1 comment 📅18 April 2013, 20:00

New promo piece for Zack Snyder’s Man Of Steel…

There has been so much promotional activity recently that if you type ‘movie trailer’ into Google, the Google Doodle reaches through the screen and punches you in the face.

And as Man Of Steel is gonna be saucering your eyes soon, it’s only right that we get treated to a new trailer.

Snyder’s previous promo was a serious affair that gave Superman an arthouse feel. Then everyone remembered that Ang Lee made Hulk and they put together this action-packed doozy to get the fanboys/girls – and everyone else – looking forward to blue skies this summer.

Best bit: “He’ll be a God to them.” Forget Henry Cavill’s Supes, is this foreshadowing Zod’s take on his newly acquired super powers?

Man Of Steel opens in UK and US cinemas 14 June 2013. 

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