Batman and Iron Man: Which one has the biggest home insurance bill?

Batman and Iron Man: Which one has the biggest home insurance bill?

Batman and Iron Man: Which one has the biggest home insurance bill?

0 comments 📅02 March 2013, 21:25

Batman versus Iron Man. Category: home insurance. As Simpsons comic-book guy would probably say, “Worst. Fight. Ever.” 

If you’ve seen the trailer for Iron Man 3 or you’ve watched Chris Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy, you’ll know that being a superhero is a dangerous business. And often – just like the small print says when you take out a loan – your home can be at risk.

Which got the folks at thinking – how many classic cars get destroyed when missiles rain down on Iron Man’s home? And what’s the current cost of installing a lair?

Check out the info-graphic below to see whether Iron Man or Batman has the biggest insurance bill bothering their billions.


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