Warm Bodies: first four minutes with Nicholas Hoult’s zombie [VIDEO]

Warm Bodies: first four minutes with Nicholas Hoult’s zombie [VIDEO]

Warm Bodies: first four minutes with Nicholas Hoult’s zombie [VIDEO]

3 comments 📅01 January 2013, 17:36

If you watch The Walking Dead and have lost your sympathy for the biters, prepare to have some of it restored by Nicholas Hoult‘s R.

A victim of the zombie apocalypse, he’s wandering the world in search of a connection. Having read Isaac Marion’s novel, we know he tries to find it in this zom-rom-com with love interest Julie (Teresa Palmer).

Warm Bodies Nic Hoult first four minutes zombie love story

The first four minutes of the film have appeared online and serve as a great introduction to this very unusual love story.

Warm Bodies, which stars Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Rob Cordry, Dave Franco and Analeigh Tipton, opens in cinemas on 1 February in the US and 8 February in the UK. 


Warm Bodies: Jonathan Levine interview
Warm Bodies: Nicholas Hoult interview 


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