Star Wars: Episode VII lands JJ Abrams as director

Star Wars: Episode VII lands JJ Abrams as director

Star Wars: Episode VII lands JJ Abrams as director

0 comments 📅24 January 2013, 23:44

JJ Abrams has been chosen to direct Star Wars: Episode VII, according to media reports… 

Walt Disney Pictures and Lucasfilm picked the Star Trek Into Darkness helmer ahead of Ben Affleck, according to The Wrap.

The film industry news website cited “an individual with knowledge of the production” in its report.

Star Wars logo Episode VII

Abrams had described Star Wars as the first movie that “blew my mind” but in a statement last November seemed to have ruled himself out of the running.

“Look, Star Wars is one of my favourite movies of all time,” he told The Hollywood Reporter. “I frankly feel that – I almost feel that, in a weird way, the opportunity for whomever it is to direct that movie, it comes with the burden of being that kind of iconic movie and series. I was never a big Star Trek fan growing up, so for me, working on Star Trek didn’t have any of that, you know, almost fatal sacrilege, and so, I am looking forward more than anyone to the next iterations of Star Wars, but I believe I will be going as a paying moviegoer!”

Apparently, Lucasfilm’s Kathleen Kennedy has courted Abrams for the position for some time.

Star Wars: Episode VII is scheduled for release in 2015, based on a script by Michael Arndt.

Lucasfilm and Disney plan to create a new trilogy of films, with a new movie coming out every other year.

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