Quentin Tarantino: see the full interview with Krishnan Guru-Murthy

Quentin Tarantino: see the full interview with Krishnan Guru-Murthy

Quentin Tarantino: see the full interview with Krishnan Guru-Murthy

0 comments 📅12 January 2013, 01:22

Quentin Tarantino gets a little hot under the collar in an interview with Krishnan Guru-Murthy… 

You know the interview isn’t going well when QT puts an imaginary gun in his mouth.

Quentin Tarantino interview Krishnan Guru-Murthy Channel 4 news

And all you have to do is ask him why he believes there’s no link between movie violence and real violence.

See the full interview – or, as the director claims, an extended advert for Django Unchained – below…

Django Unchained opens is out now in US cinemas and opens in UK cinemas on 18 January 2013.

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