Manga Entertainment has announced that Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike will be available on Blu-ray and DVD from Monday 3 December. The film is the prequel of Namco Bandai’s Tales of Vesperia role-playing game. The story follows Yuri Lowell and Flynn Scifo who are both recently become fully-fledged members of the knight division. Aer is the energy source that powers the blastia, the technology of an ancient civilisation that provides a wide range of abilities for humans; however, little is known about Aer and, when a strange surge of the energy source occurs, Yuri and Flynn are sent to investigate.
Manga Entertainment will also be releasing Clannad After Story Part 2 (£17.99), featuring episodes 13 to 25, and the complete series of the assassin thriller Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom (£29.99) on 3 December.
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