Star Trek Into Darkness: Japanese Teaser Trailer Adds Extra Footage [VIDEO]

Star Trek Into Darkness: Japanese Teaser Trailer Adds Extra Footage [VIDEO]

Star Trek Into Darkness: Japanese Teaser Trailer Adds Extra Footage [VIDEO]

4 comments 📅06 December 2012, 10:38

Trek teaser turns Japanese and adds extra footage…

A Japanese version of the Star Trek Into Darkness trailer has appeared online that shows a wee bit more footage than the US trailer. The trailer also uses the music score from JJ Abrams Star Trek to give it a bit more of a new Trek feel.

Is it just us, or does Zachary Quinto look badass as Spock with a gun?

Here’s the full text of the voiceover from the video:

“You think your world is safe? It is an illusion. A comforting lie told to protect you. Enjoy these final moments of peace. For I have returned to have my vengeance. So, shall we begin… …Is there anything you would not do for your family?”

Good skills Benedict Cumberbatch. Good skills.

Star Trek Into Darkness is released in UK cinemas on 17 May 2013. 


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