Kadokawa’s Young Ace magazine is set to release a manga adaptation of the BBC’s Sherlock television series, which will debut in the next issue on 4 October. The artist “Jay.” is beginning the manga with an adaptation of A Study in Pink, the show’s first episode that was scripted by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss.
This is not the first adaptation of the popular UK television series; a youthful manga version, Sherlock Holmes Whispers to the Shadow, was released and the anime series Sherlock Hound, co-directed by Hayao Miyazaki, featured a canine version of the detective.
Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays Sherlock, commented on the amount of suggestive fan fiction and manga cartoons about his character’s relationship with his friend Dr. Watson (Martin Freeman). The actor said there’s a lot of “weird fan fiction”, where people “write stories and do manga cartoons of what they think you get up to behind closed doors. Some of it’s funny. Some of it’s full-on sex.”
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