Max Payne 3, Hangover 2

Max Payne 3, Hangover 2

Max Payne 3, Hangover 2

3 comments 📅21 May 2012, 13:57

Who would win in a fight between Max Payne and the wolfpack from The Hangover 2?

That’s a no-brainer for two reasons. First, Max Payne is an ultra-violent, hard-drinking, pill-popping mentalist whose idea of a bad night out is mowing down the local gang in their favourite strip club.

While the wolfpack share some of Max’s predilections (they can often be found near strippers, plus they like the kind of drink and drugs binges that end with Mike Tyson punching someone in the face), even on their bad nights out they’re not used to kicking ass while being half cut. And that’s how Max rolls on a daily basis.

However, with the third game launching on Friday and us European types finally getting to play it – read a brilliant Max Payne 3 review here – there’s an important second reason why Payne beats Pack…

In Max Payne 3 the lead character stands out like a blind cobblers thumb on the streets of Sao Paulo. But when it comes to bringing the boys down from the inside, he’d fit right in.

After a little mid-life crisis in the recently released third-person shooter, Payne takes the shears to his bonce and comes up with a look that we’ve seen somewhere before.


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