Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry reteam for Oscar Wilde’s The Canterville Ghost

Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry reteam for Oscar Wilde’s The Canterville Ghost

Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry reteam for Oscar Wilde’s The Canterville Ghost

1 comment 📅16 May 2012, 04:55

Fancy A Bit (more) Of Fry And Laurie? Then you’re in luck, because the comedy duo will be reteaming on a film version of Oscar Wilde’s The Canterville Ghost.

The film is currently in pre-production and sorting out its financing and is scheduled for release Christmas 2014.

The Canterville Ghost will be an animated movie, with Fry and Laurie providing voices (rather than sitting down with pencils to sketch the thing but you’d probably worked that out yourself).

“M’coll Hugh & I will be working together to voice the new animated feature of Oscar Wilde’s THE CANTERVILLE GHOST,” Fry said on his Twitter feed before he retired for a few days to do some writing.

As well as headlining their own late ’80s sketch show, the pair also appeared together on Blackadder and Jeeves And Wooster.

Melmoth Films, which is behind the project, created the poster you see above and it was added to Fry’s Twitter announcement.

Co-writers Giles New and Keiron Self (That Mitchell And Webb Look) will turn Wilde’s classic ghost story into a full script.

That’s the story finished. “Please Mr Music, will you play?

1 Comment

  1. Iwa Iniki
    18 May 2012, 08:57 Iwa Iniki

    The Canterville Ghost iw one of my favorite movies. It had a great cast and good acting. I have not idea how much I will like the animated version of the movie. I do like Laurie and Fry so time will tell.

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