Free online screening for Memory Lane

Free online screening for Memory Lane

Free online screening for Memory Lane

0 comments 📅08 November 2011, 22:21

Filmmaker Shawn Holmes is taking advantage of modern technology by offering a free online screening of his movie Memory Lane

“Innovation is paramount to our success. I’m giving it away because you just don’t do that,” says the writer, director and producer.

Shot for only $300, his debut film will begin airing at midnight on 11 November 2011 (aka 11/11/11) for one weekend, on his website

“We may have a festival run, we may not. We’re living in this crazy time where traditional gatekeepers can be circumvented altogether,” Holmes said.

“Alfred Hitchcock said that television was like the invention of indoor plumbing. That it didn’t change people’s habits, it just kept them inside. Had the internet existed in his lifetime as it does in ours, he could have easily made the same realisation that we have.”

Memory Lane follows a war-veteran who travels between the normal world and the afterlife in search of his fiancé’s killer, by stopping and starting his own heart.

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