FBI probes Scarlett Johansson’s leaked nude photos

FBI probes Scarlett Johansson’s leaked nude photos

FBI probes Scarlett Johansson’s leaked nude photos

0 comments 📅14 September 2011, 22:37

The FBI is investigating how nude photos of Scarlett Johansson were taken from her mobile phone and posted on the internet.

The images were posted online on Wednesday and appear to have been taken by the star herself.

One of the shots shows The Avengers star topless, while the other features her bare behind.

“The FBI is aware of the alleged hacking incident and is looking into it,” an official told Fox News.

Fox added that the FBI has been investigating hacks into the email accounts of up to 50 celebrities, including Jessica Alba and Vanessa Hudgens.

No we won’t be posting the full images. Will you be respecting Johansson’s privacy or hunting them down online? Join the moral debate in the comments below…

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