5150 Elm’s Way: DVD Review

5150 Elm’s Way: DVD Review

5150 Elm’s Way: DVD Review

0 comments 📅27 May 2011, 01:56

You probably don’t want to pay a friendly visit to 5150 Elm’s Way…

Winner of the Audience Award at the 2010 Dead By Dawn Festival, this French-Canadian shocker grabs you from the off.

It tells the story of Yannick, a film student who makes the worst decision of his life when, after falling off his bicycle, he asks for help at 5150 Elm’s Way.

Inside he finds a family that make the Mansons look friendly, most notably psycho dad Jacques who is determined to rid the world of the unrighteous and has a cellar of corpses to prove it…

A taut, compelling treat.

VERDICT: 8/10 



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